Children's Programs
Calendar of Events
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Dog Man Mystery Event
Dog Man Mystery Event
Solve a mystery with Dog Man and Friends! Recommended for ages 6-11 Monday, January 27 at 6 pm Register at 190 N Main Street Mechanicville
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Pokémon Club
Pokémon Club
Bring your cards to battle, do an activity, or just hang out and get a new card to build your deck! Tuesdays at 4:30 190 N Main Street Register at
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Take Your Child to the Library Day Craft
Take Your Child to the Library Day Craft
Celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day with us! Drop by to make a mini DIY library book and learn about how the library adds a book to the collection Register at
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8 Bit Art Workshop
8 Bit Art Workshop
Create a work of art using pixels! Recommended for ages 5 - 12 Monday, February 10 6 pm Register at
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Kids Craft: Valentine’s Day Slime
Kids Craft: Valentine’s Day Slime
Stop in to make your own Valentine's slime! Bring a container to safely bring your slime home. Thursday, February 13 at 4:30 pm Register at
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Kids Drop In Painting
Kids Drop In Painting
Join us to paint a masterpiece of your own! No registration required. Saturday, February 15 1 pm
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Animal Presentation with Via Aquarium
Animal Presentation with Via Aquarium
Discover and interact with marine invertebrates presented by Via Aquarium! This event will include a presentation and hands-on time with the animals. Register at For grades K-5 Wednesday, February 19 1:30 pm 190 N Main Street Mechanicville
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Sledding @ Mechanicville Golf Course
Sledding @ Mechanicville Golf Course
Join us for sledding and hot chocolate at the Mechanicville Golf Club! Bring a sled! Thursday, Feb 20 1pm Register at 45 Howland Ave, Mechanicville