Our Vision
The Mechanicville District Public Library will be a premier community institution that anticipates and strives to meet the expectations of district residents through services and resources that meet current and future needs and are delivered by a knowledgeable and customer-oriented staff in facilities that are accessible, functional and welcoming.
Our Mission
Serving our community for learning, leisure, and life. The mission of the Mechanicville District Public Library is to ensure access to information for all, provide the resources and services for lifelong learning and enjoyment, offer space and opportunities for people to gather and connect, foster a love of reading in young and old alike, and enrich the quality of life in the community.
Our Long Range Plan
Goal 1
To Provide facilities that are accessible, functional and welcoming.
a.) Develop and implement a plan that addresses the need for space for the Young Adults of our community.
b.) With the help of local experts, make improvements to existing landscaping and develop a plan for perpetual care.
c.) Research and review energy efficiency and replacement plans for HVAC within the facility that will make it more cost effective.
Goal 2
To provide collections, programming, and services that meet the needs of district residents and institutions, promote literacy and education, and enhance the community’s quality of life.
a.) Provide programs and conduct outreach targeted to children and young adults to encourage them to visit and utilize the library.
b.) Host additional cultural and education programs with funding provided by outside sources.
c.) Provide training to patrons on a regular basis regarding use of the library website, card catalog, and other library services.
Goal 3
To pursue and embrace library technologies that improve, enhance and/or expand services and programming for area residents and institutions.
a.) Provide additional technology classes for community members.
Goal 4
To build and sustain a professional staff that is knowledgeable and customer-oriented and is prepared to lead the library in pursuit of this vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
a.) Continue to review and update staff standards of conduct as found in the Policies and Procedures.
b.) Present staff workshops addressing topics identified by Library Director and Staff.
Goal 5
To develop and execute a marketing plan that creates broad community awareness and support of the library’s programs and services and the resources needed to carry out it’s goals and objectives.
a.) Build a database of patron e-mails to expand electronic marketing opportunities
b.) Establish a long-term marketing plan to expand fundraising for library services and programming.
c.) Periodically seek input from patrons, staff and community regarding library operations and direction through surveys, meetings and other means.
d.) Coordinate activities with and provide support to the Friends of the Library organization to maximize their success.